
I sold my house to start Yes Mama Wine Bar. For my dream, I've had to live out of my van.

Episode 24: Meet Jessica Fernandez, Chef & Restauranteur

Owner of Yes Mama Wine Bar and Cafe


In October 2022, I sold my house to start Yes Mama Wine Bar. Since then, I have had to live in my van, shower at the gym, and couch surf with friends.

Bringing my mother's and grandmother's meals and memories to life has meant everything to me. My strength and faith is rooted in their guidance. Despite all of my hardships, it has brought me joy, and sharing my food with the community and hearing their reaction to it always makes me smile and feel that my mother and grandmother would be proud of me.

Though I lost my mother at 10, each time I have been faced with a setback I would see something that reminded me of her and my grandmother-- numbers relating to their birthday, signs that they were watching over me, despite the difficulties. I felt their presence, and that they were guiding me to where I was supposed to be. Opening this bar has started me on an amazing journey that continues to remind me that my angels are always looking after me and continuing to bring me the help I need when I need it.

My bar is a tribute to them -- even though they are no longer with us, they have supported me and guided me throughout my journey to opening Yes Mama, a safe space for everyone, regardless of gender & sexual orientation. My restaurant is a tribute to my mother, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

I could not have started Yes Mama Wine Bar without the strength and support of my family. Stop by to enjoy a glass of wine and my delicious food!


If you are force for good in NYC, you make America great


I was poor, from China, with limited English, and didn't attend an Ivy League. That didn't stop me.